What happens if something was damaged or missing?


Washos detail professionals are independent contractors who are insured in the event that anything goes wrong during service. If there is damage done to a vehicle by a detailer, it is the customer’s responsibility to notify the detailer immediately of the damage following the service. Once the detailer leaves the premises and you opt not to inspect the vehicle, all rights to file a liability claim are waived. Should you follow these guidelines, you are responsible for negotiating and exchanging insurance information. WASHOS IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LIABILITY, LOST PROPERTY, PERSONAL INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE arising from the use of our service.

WASHOS is not responsible for any belongings that may be lost or otherwise disposed of in the course of cleaning your vehicle.  We strongly recommend that each customer remove any belongings they consider to be of value prior to service.

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